Migration to SportEasy

The club has a new tool: SportEasy! This platform centralizes all the information needed to run the club: Invitations, Attendances, Matches, Communication...

The club has a new tool: SportEasy! This platform centralizes all the information needed to run the club: Invitations, Attendances, Matches, Communication…

The tool is currently being deployed in several categories.

To carry out this update, we need to update our licensees’ profiles.

To do this, we ask you to answer this short form (3 minutes on average):

Labourdins Football
Lapurdiko Izarra

PS: Due to limited numbers, the U9F team will continue in the same way.

PLEASE DO NOT answer the questionnaire more than once. In case of change, please contact us

To help you with this migration, we’ve put together a guide to getting started with SportEasy.

You can also contact us!